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Пробное ЕНТ по английскому языку

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Слово "lively" означает "живой", "энергичный" или "оживленный". Подберите синоним с таким же значением.

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1. Similar meaning of the word "lively"

Слово gentle означает "мягкий", "нежный" или "добрый". Подберите слово с аналогичным значением.

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2. Synonym of gentle

Слово hardworking означает "трудолюбивый", "усердный". Найдите слово, противоположное по значению.

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3. Antonym of "hardworking"

Фразовый глагол make up означает "гримировать" или "накладывать макияж". Подберите предлог, который завершит правильное выражение.

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4. Correct preposition in phrasal verb
They made ______ his face to look like a clown.

В английском языке для выхода из транспорта, такого как автобус, поезд или самолет, используется фразовый глагол get off.

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5. The right variant of preposition for phrasal verb
It is our station. Please, get _____ the bus.

Когда речь идет обо всех предметах в группе (например, о всех книгах в разделе), используется every.

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6. Correct variant
… book in this section is about the history of sports.

Слова everybody, someone, nobody считаются единственным числом, поэтому с ними используются глаголы в единственном числе.

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7. Correct word to fill in the gap
Everybody ___ happy when the rain stopped.

Слово enough (достаточно) стоит перед существительными, но после прилагательных. Слово time (в значении "время") является неисчисляемым существительным, поэтому нельзя использовать many (много – для исчисляемых).

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8. Correct option
I didn’t have … so I didn’t complete the test yesterday.

Прилагательное должно логично описывать "tickets" (билеты). Нужно выбрать слово, которое объясняет, почему герои не смогли посетить театр.

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9. Correct adjective
We wanted to visit the theatre, but the tickets were too _____ .

Исчисляемые существительные обозначают объекты, которые можно посчитать (например, one apple, two apples). Неисчисляемые существительные обозначают абстрактные понятия или вещества, которые нельзя считать в обычном смысле (например, water, happiness).

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10. Countable noun

Обратите внимание на первую букву слова "glass" и решите, нужен ли перед ним артикль a или an.

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11. Correct word to fill the gap
All I wanted was ___ glass of water.

Обратите внимание на смысл выражения "used to listen to" — оно говорит о привычном действии в прошлом.

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12. Sentence with the similar meaning
People used to listen to vinyl records many years ago.

Обратите внимание на слово "wished" — оно указывает на сожаление о прошлом. Для таких случаев используется определённое время глагола.

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13. Correct form of the verb
Timur wished he ______ to the weather forecast. He was wet to the bones!

Конструкция "used to" используется для описания привычных действий в прошлом, которые больше не происходят.

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14. Correct variant of construction
We ____ to the cinema at weekends.

Вопросительный тег (question tag) должен быть противоположным по форме к основной части предложения: если в основной части отрицание, тег должен быть утвердительным.

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15. Correct question tag
You haven’t got a pen, …?

Обратите внимание на указание продолжительности ("for eight years"). Такое время обычно требует использования Present Perfect или Past Perfect.

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16. Correct form of the verb
That’s a city in which I _____ for eight years.

Конструкция "used to" используется для описания привычных действий в прошлом. Вопросы с "used to" строятся с помощью вспомогательного глагола "did".

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17. Correct form of the verb
What games … you … when you were a child?

Фразовый глагол "fall behind" означает отставать от графика или не успевать выполнить что-то в срок.

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18. Correct preposition to fill the gap
Because of incorrect timing, I am falling ____ my project.

Модальный глагол "must" используется, когда мы уверены в правильности предположения.

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19. Correct modal verb
We hear people laughing. They ____ be watching a comedy.

Артикль "an" используется перед словами, начинающимися с гласного звука (например, "important"). Перед названиями городов (например, "London") артикли обычно не используются.

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20. Appropriate articles
Daniel Defoe was … important English writer born in … London, England.

Обратите внимание, что "noise" — это неисчисляемое существительное, и для него используются определённые количественные местоимения.

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21. Correct quantifier
There was so … noise that I couldn’t sleep.

В косвенной речи ("Reported speech") при передаче сказанного в прошлом часто происходит сдвиг времён. Обратите внимание на глагол "said" и изменения во времени.

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22. The correct sentence with Reported speech

Фраза "used to" используется для описания действий, которые регулярно происходили в прошлом, но теперь не выполняются.

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23. Correct form of "used to"
Liz doesn’t travel much now. She … a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these days.

В косвенной речи времена обычно сдвигаются назад (Past Simple → Past Perfect), а указатели времени меняются ("yesterday" → "the day before").

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24. Correct sentence in Reported Speech
"I read the article about the nanobots yesterday" she told me.

Когда мы выражаем желание, относящееся к настоящему или нереальной ситуации, после "I wish" используется Past Simple. Для местоимения "you" в условных предложениях и конструкциях с "wish" принято использовать "were" вместо "was".

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25. Correct ending
It is so exciting, I wish you … .

В тексте говорится, что после встречи с волчицей, Маша позже встретила волчат и провела с ними время, делясь едой и укрытием.

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26. It started in the autumn of 1941 when Masha was seven years old. It was the time of the Second World War and the Jewish people were being arrested and taken away by the Nazis.

One day Masha's parents were taken away. She wanted to find them. Masha started her trip to Germany from Belgium. Afraid of being caught she followed lonely forest paths instead of busy roads. At night she slept in deserted buildings or in the woods.

She begged or stole food to survive. If Masha was passing through a village, she waited for church bells to ring, people left their houses she went inside to take some food. When she couldn't beg or steal she ate berries, seeds and insects.

Once a farmer hit her with a stone when she was running away with some stolen food. Masha escaped to a forest. She was crying with pain when a big grey wolf approached. The wolf sniffed her and went away, but it came back. A few nights later the she-wolf came up to the girl and slept next to her... The two shared food and walked in the forest together. Then, a hunter killed the wolf. Masha was very sad and alone again.

Soon she had another meeting with wolves. Some wolf-cubs were playing on a rock and Masha came near, delighted. She stayed with them sharing food and shelter. After a while she moved on... Sadly, she never found her parents.

The right word according to the text
She stayed with the … sharing food and shelter with them.

Наречие частотности (adverb of frequency) указывает, как часто происходит какое-либо действие

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27. It started in the autumn of 1941 when Masha was seven years old. It was the time of the Second World War and the Jewish people were being arrested and taken away by the Nazis.

One day Masha's parents were taken away. She wanted to find them. Masha started her trip to Germany from Belgium. Afraid of being caught she followed lonely forest paths instead of busy roads. At night she slept in deserted buildings or in the woods.

She begged or stole food to survive. If Masha was passing through a village, she waited for church bells to ring, people left their houses she went inside to take some food. When she couldn't beg or steal she ate berries, seeds and insects.

Once a farmer hit her with a stone when she was running away with some stolen food. Masha escaped to a forest. She was crying with pain when a big grey wolf approached. The wolf sniffed her and went away, but it came back. A few nights later the she-wolf came up to the girl and slept next to her... The two shared food and walked in the forest together. Then, a hunter killed the wolf. Masha was very sad and alone again.

Soon she had another meeting with wolves. Some wolf-cubs were playing on a rock and Masha came near, delighted. She stayed with them sharing food and shelter. After a while she moved on... Sadly, she never found her parents.

Adverb of frequency

Суффиксы, образующие наречия (adverb forming suffixes), часто используются для образования наречий от прилагательных.

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28. It started in the autumn of 1941 when Masha was seven years old. It was the time of the Second World War and the Jewish people were being arrested and taken away by the Nazis.

One day Masha's parents were taken away. She wanted to find them. Masha started her trip to Germany from Belgium. Afraid of being caught she followed lonely forest paths instead of busy roads. At night she slept in deserted buildings or in the woods.

She begged or stole food to survive. If Masha was passing through a village, she waited for church bells to ring, people left their houses she went inside to take some food. When she couldn't beg or steal she ate berries, seeds and insects.

Once a farmer hit her with a stone when she was running away with some stolen food. Masha escaped to a forest. She was crying with pain when a big grey wolf approached. The wolf sniffed her and went away, but it came back. A few nights later the she-wolf came up to the girl and slept next to her... The two shared food and walked in the forest together. Then, a hunter killed the wolf. Masha was very sad and alone again.

Soon she had another meeting with wolves. Some wolf-cubs were playing on a rock and Masha came near, delighted. She stayed with them sharing food and shelter. After a while she moved on... Sadly, she never found her parents.

Adverb forming suffixes

Слово "lonely" описывает существительное (forest paths), что означает, что оно является прилагательным (adjective).

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29. It started in the autumn of 1941 when Masha was seven years old. It was the time of the Second World War and the Jewish people were being arrested and taken away by the Nazis.

One day Masha's parents were taken away. She wanted to find them. Masha started her trip to Germany from Belgium. Afraid of being caught she followed lonely forest paths instead of busy roads. At night she slept in deserted buildings or in the woods.

She begged or stole food to survive. If Masha was passing through a village, she waited for church bells to ring, people left their houses she went inside to take some food. When she couldn't beg or steal she ate berries, seeds and insects.

Once a farmer hit her with a stone when she was running away with some stolen food. Masha escaped to a forest. She was crying with pain when a big grey wolf approached. The wolf sniffed her and went away, but it came back. A few nights later the she-wolf came up to the girl and slept next to her... The two shared food and walked in the forest together. Then, a hunter killed the wolf. Masha was very sad and alone again.

Soon she had another meeting with wolves. Some wolf-cubs were playing on a rock and Masha came near, delighted. She stayed with them sharing food and shelter. After a while she moved on... Sadly, she never found her parents.

The word “lonely” is …

Слово "deserted" означает "покинутый, заброшенный", то есть место, которое оставили люди.

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30. It started in the autumn of 1941 when Masha was seven years old. It was the time of the Second World War and the Jewish people were being arrested and taken away by the Nazis.

One day Masha's parents were taken away. She wanted to find them. Masha started her trip to Germany from Belgium. Afraid of being caught she followed lonely forest paths instead of busy roads. At night she slept in deserted buildings or in the woods.

She begged or stole food to survive. If Masha was passing through a village, she waited for church bells to ring, people left their houses she went inside to take some food. When she couldn't beg or steal she ate berries, seeds and insects.

Once a farmer hit her with a stone when she was running away with some stolen food. Masha escaped to a forest. She was crying with pain when a big grey wolf approached. The wolf sniffed her and went away, but it came back. A few nights later the she-wolf came up to the girl and slept next to her... The two shared food and walked in the forest together. Then, a hunter killed the wolf. Masha was very sad and alone again.

Soon she had another meeting with wolves. Some wolf-cubs were playing on a rock and Masha came near, delighted. She stayed with them sharing food and shelter. After a while she moved on... Sadly, she never found her parents.

Synonym of “deserted”

Определите контекст: кто испытывает эмоцию (человек → -ed) и что её вызывает (предмет/ситуация → -ing)

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31. Correct use of –ing, -ed adjective

1. Adjective describing a person’s feeling.
2. Adjective describing what something is like.

Future Simple (will) используется для cпонтанных решений (on-the-spot decisions) — решения, принятые в момент речи и предсказаний, основанных на мнении или убеждении (future predictions).

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32. Correct usage of Future Simple

1. – I think you will change your mind about it.
2. – Look!I like this backpack; I’ll buy it.

Суффиксы -tion, -ation, -sion часто образуют существительные от глаголов (например: inform → information, decide → decision).

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33. Noun suffixes

1. conserve
2. explode

При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную обратите внимание на согласование времён (Present → Past) и изменение местоимений. В вопросах используйте глаголы asked или wondered.

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34. Reported speech

1. I really love doing sports.
2. What subject do you find most interesting to you?

При преобразовании команд и просьб в косвенную речь используйте глаголы orderedtoldasked или suggested. Обратите внимание на структуру предложения: ordered/told + to + инфинитив или suggested + -ing.

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35. Reported speech

1. “Stop talking!”
2. “Don’t make noise!”

Косвенная речь передаёт чьи-то слова или мысли, часто с изменением времени глагола и местоимений. Ищите предложения, где речь передаётся через глаголы askedwonderedwanted to know и т.д.

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36. Sentence(s) in Reported Speech

При использовании прилагательных обратите внимание на степени сравнения: сравнительная (например, higher), превосходная (например, the highest), а также на правильное использование форм farther/further и as... as.

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37. Correct form(s) of adjectives

При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную временные указатели часто меняются. Например, today становится that dayyesterday — the day before, а tomorrow — the next day.

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38. Correct word(s) to use in Reported Speech

Модальные глаголы с Perfect Infinitive (have been) используются для выражения предположений или выводов о прошлом. Обратите внимание на степень уверенности: can’t/couldn’t have been (невозможно), must have been (точно), may/might have been (возможно).

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39. Correct Modal structure(s)
It ... John you saw yesterday, he is still in New York.

Сравните цены на авиабилеты и отели, а также даты вылета для каждого направления

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40. True statement(s) according to the table

Your score is

The average score is 48%

Последние результаты теста

10 минут 6 секунд45%
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18 часов 8 минут 50 секунд0%
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39 минут 4 секунд50%
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1 часов 10 минут 42.5%
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12 минут 18 секунд57.5%
1 часов 12 минут 14 секунд0%
32 минут 19 секунд72.5%
26 минут 28 секунд65%
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15 минут 21 секунд42.5%
1 часов 10 минут 17.5%
12 минут 5 секунд50%
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45 минут 39 секунд72.5%
6 минут 52 секунд82.5%
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26 минут 2 секунд57.5%
6 минут 5 секунд95%
20 минут 59 секунд57.5%
1 часов 10 минут 31 секунд72.5%
21 минут 15 секунд47.5%
31 минут 39 секунд50%
15 минут 27 секунд57.5%
11 минут 59 секунд67.5%
1 часов 10 минут 31 секунд0%
22 минут 51 секунд37.5%
21 минут 44 секунд52.5%
15 минут 46 секунд62.5%
13 минут 42 секунд75%
1 часов 10 минут 13 секунд7.5%
7 минут 52 секунд92.5%
21 минут 21 секунд67.5%
20 минут 53 секунд80%
24 минут 23 секунд60%
14 минут 20 секунд32.5%
1 минут 6 секунд5%
1 часов 51 минут 53 секунд37.5%
43 минут 37 секунд70%
30 минут 55 секунд57.5%
20 минут 15 секунд72.5%
49 минут 26 секунд55%
7 минут 6 секунд20%
17 минут 49 секунд70%
35 минут 21 секунд80%
44 минут 36 секунд82.5%
43 минут 32 секунд65%
17 минут 55 секунд77.5%
7 минут 12 секунд92.5%
41 минут 43 секунд52.5%
1 часов 11 минут 5 секунд52.5%
26 минут 46 секунд65%
4 минут 19 секунд22.5%
6 минут 52 секунд72.5%
21 секунд0%
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15 минут 35 секунд12.5%
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4 минут 38 секунд77.5%
26 минут 7 секунд77.5%
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15 минут 35 секунд12.5%
16 минут 27 секунд72.5%
13 минут 23 секунд52.5%
10 минут 6 секунд50%
1 часов 10 минут 4 секунд50%
19 минут 21 секунд72.5%
23 минут 54 секунд52.5%
4 минут 35 секунд40%
3 минут 52 секунд90%
14 минут 40 секунд82.5%
15 минут 10 секунд80%
14 минут 9 секунд55%
18 минут 45 секунд65%
3 минут 23 секунд47.5%
15 минут 11 секунд67.5%
4 минут 6 секунд25%
7 минут 58 секунд42.5%
7 минут 27 секунд35%
5 минут 38 секунд15%
1 минут 54 секунд17.5%
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22 секунд5%
6 минут 57 секунд42.5%
17 минут 59 секунд85%
1 часов 40 секунд55%
19 минут 72.5%
9 минут 26 секунд0%
59 минут 35 секунд65%
45 минут 44 секунд95%
22 минут 26 секунд67.5%
1 часов 10 минут 4 секунд0%
25 минут 16 секунд77.5%
31 минут 54 секунд42.5%
16 секунд5%
22 секунд2.5%
1 часов 10 минут 7.5%
9 минут 2 секунд45%
9 минут 34 секунд67.5%
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8 минут 41 секунд40%
8 секунд0%
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3 минут 29 секунд15%

Источник: Национальный центр тестирования